AN AUCHINLECK Talbot supporters' group has announced it's to disband - ending a 50-year link with the club.

The Affleck Supporters Club announced the decision earlier this week, following what transpired to be their final AGM.

They decision was taken as a result of "the constant rise in bus prices", coupled with a dwindling membership, meaning the club was no longer financially viable.

Group secretary Jim McAuley said that despite attempts to arrange shared transport with fellow supporters' clubs, the costs involved were still proving unaffordable for the group in the long term.

Mr McAuley said: "Last night the Affleck Supporters Club decided to wind up their affairs ending a 50 year association with Auchinleck Talbot.

"The constant rise in bus prices and dwindling membership proved to be a constant battle for those concerned, and even sharing buses with our fellow supporters' clubs, it couldn't offset the cost to the club funds.

"As the departing secretary I would like to thank the members who turned up for our last AGM.

"Thanks also to our former members for the constant support throughout the years, and finally a special mention to the members who are not with us any more but who all played a part in the memories of the Affleck Club."