A CHILDMINDING service in New Cumnock has been praised for its "warm and nurturing care" in a recent report which also included some advice for improvement.

The Care Inspectorate recently published its findings from a visit to Linnette's Childminding service.

Key findings from the report stated that "children experienced warm and compassionate care", while the childminder should "develop robust quality assurance processes".

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The service cares for up to six children at any one time, up to the age of 16.

For three of the areas in the report, inspectors said that strengths "clearly outweighed areas for improvement", while the remaining area "only just outweighed weaknesses".

While speaking about the service's care, play and learning, one parent told inspectors: "Linnette is open, honest and loves the children in her care. Any concerns or questions Linnette has been there every step of the way to make sure she can help in any way she can, going above and beyond."

The report looked at Linnette's Childminding service in New Cumnock.The report looked at Linnette's Childminding service in New Cumnock (Image: NQ Archive) Another said: "I have a great relationship with my childminder, I feel I can communicate well with her, she keeps me up to date with my child's care and knows my child well."

The report added that children were happy and engaged in play and learning experiences throughout the visit.

The service's "warm and homely environment" was also praised by inspectors.

A section of the report looking at leadership of the service stated: "The childminder was newly registered and welcomed the inspection process as an opportunity to evaluate their service.

"Whilst the childminder communicated regularly with parents and knew children and families very well, personal plans were not always signed, dated, implemented and reviewed within the required timescales."

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This is where a couple of areas for improvement were highlighted for future purposes.

More positives rounded off the report, as it said that kids "felt valued and loved" in the care of the childminder.

Another parent told inspectors: "Linnette's background, experience and qualifications as well as her loving and caring nature make her an excellent childminder.

"Her home is safe and welcoming and I have no concerns about the quality of care they receive."