EAST Ayrshire Council has revealed the amount of money spent on the upkeep of a handful of vacant buildings in Auchinleck and Cumnock.

A freedom of information (FOI) request to the council looked to find out how much had been spent on the the former Greenmill Primary School building and old Royal Bank of Scotland building in Cumnock, as well as the former Auchinleck Academy building.

All of the buildings are owned by the council and are currently vacant.

The former Greenmill Primary School building is set to be demolished by the start of next, having been vacant since it was a temporary home for Netherthird primary pupils before their new home was built.

What was once the Royal Bank of Scotland building on Glaisnock Street received an offer for sale back in June, according to East Ayrshire Council, having previously had another bid fall through.

The old Auchinleck Academy building is also due to be demolished, with its date dependant on when new synthetic pitches are ready for use at the Merlin Park.

READ MORE: Update provided on Greenmill building demolition progress

READ MORE: Offer received by council for vacant Cumnock bank building

READ MORE: Update provided on Auchinleck Academy demolition and Merlin Park move

An FOI revealed that the Greenmill building has been vacant since February 2023, with £60,842.86 having been spent since on its upkeep.

The council said that no offers were received to purchase this site, which has been targeted by vandalism in recent months.

East Ayrshire Council purchased the former Royal Bank of Scotland building in February 2019, and it has been empty ever since.

A total of £194,148.19 has been spent on its upkeep and upgrades, including a new roof and new gutters.

EAC say they had previously entered into a lease agreement with Citizens Advice Bureau, before it withdrew its interest in the building.

The former Auchinleck Academy building has been empty since December 2021, with the exception of the swimming pool block.

A total of £96,289.74 has been spent on its upkeep, excluding the swimming pool block.

No offers of interest were presented for this building.

These costs are from the date the buildings were vacated until September 4, 2024 and includes repairs, maintenance and security only.