THE community group which manages a busy local venue in Catrine says it has been dealt a blow in a bid to make improvements to the building.

The A.M. Brown Institute (AMBI) building is managed by the Catrine Community Trust (CCT) under an agreement which East Ayrshire Council (EAC) agreed to extend last year.

Earlier this year, a report by the council said that the building was "under-performing" and that it needed significant upgrades.

READ MORE: Catrine trust upbeat about future of community building

Included in the report was a mention that the main hall of the building had been forced to close due to concern at the condition of the roof.

In a quest to deal with this issue, CCT applied for funding from EAC's place based investment programme 2024/25.

The trust plans for upgrades at the building.The trust plans for upgrades at the building. (Image: NQ Archive)

The boost would aim to pay for repairs to the main hall's ceiling, and allow it re-open fully once again.

However, CCT was delivered some bad news earlier this week, as it was revealed that their application had been rejected.

READ MORE: Catrine building given 'red' status in council report

A letter to the trust said: "Unfortunately, your project is not being recommended for investment at this time.

"I understand how disappointing this news may be and appreciate the time and effort dedicated to submitting your project. This year we received applications totalling £2,768,220, which is more than three-and-a-half times the £792,000 we originally thought we would be allocated.

The building's exterior and bin storage area.The building's exterior and bin storage area. (Image: NQ Archive)

"Moving forward, we are committed to assisting all projects to identify alternative sources of support that may help your project.

"An East Ayrshire Council officer will be in touch in the coming weeks to discuss potential next steps and other opportunities available."