A FUEL awareness event will be held in Auchinleck this week by the village's MP.

Lillian Jones will provide support for constituents who are unsure if they are eligible to claim, or would like more information.

The Department for Work and Pensions said it has received a 115 per cent increase in pension credit claims following on from the government's announcement that it would limit the winter fuel payment to those on the benefit.

Kilmarnock and Loudoun Labour representative Ms Jones backed the UK Government's plan to restrict the payments to all but the poorest pensioners.

The MP said it "was a very difficult decision", but they "were left with no choice".

Now, Ms Jones will offer support in Auchinleck, as well as Kilmarnock this week.

MP Lillian Jones.MP Lillian Jones. (Image: NQ Archive)

The first meeting will take place at The Well in Kilmarnock from 12-2pm on Wednesday, September 25, with an event in Auchinleck's indoor Bowling Club the following day from 10am-12pm.

The MP added: “In my constituency around 1,800 pensioners are eligible for, but not in receipt of pension credit.

"I will be working hard over the coming weeks to encourage them to sign up for pension credit which will mean they will continue to receive the winter fuel allowance.

"I will be running an awareness campaign and will host several ‘sign up to keep your fuel allowance’ meetings in the villages and towns of Kilmarnock and Loudoun.”