THIS week, we take a look at the big Cumnock and Doon Valley stories from September 2004.

Can you spot any familiar faces in these Chronicle pics from 20 years ago?

(Image: Newsquest) Local MSP Cathy Jamieson performed the official duty of crowning the 2004 Muirkirk Gala Queen Megan Strang.

(Image: Newsquest) Local members of the Kilmarnock College Princes Trust glammed up for their 2004 presentation event at the Railway Hotel in Auchinleck.

(Image: Newsquest) Pupils from Patna Primary School got a surprise visit from Strathclyde’s Mounted Police division in September 2004. Alistair Paton, Heather Dunn, Lisa McTaggart and Dillan Dunn of Primary 5 meet up with Glespin and his colleague, PC Mark Stienlet.

(Image: Newsquest) Glenafton Colts 95’s received a welcome financial boost in September 2004 when they were presented with a cheque for sponsorship for the coming season from Anne Hope, of Hope Homes Scotland.

(Image: Newsquest) All hands were on deck at Cumnock Congregational Church’s 2004 after school club - Shipmates. Rev Jason Boyd and Gwyneth Boreland – aka Mrs Mack from Take the High Road - launched the club with a not-so-traditional bottle of Irn Bru.

(Image: Newsquest)

BBC news presenter Jackie Bird and Children in Need mascot Pudsey presented a cheque for £1,505 to Catrine’s Avonlea Youth Centre. The funding would allow young people at the centre to interview locals and document life in the village. Linda Warmington and Peter Smith from the charity are pictured receiving the award.