Police patrols are being stepped up to tackle an issue in Cumnock that has been ongoing for more than three years, according to one of the town's councillors.

Windows at the bus stands have been targeted by vandals for well over three years, when we first reported the problem.

Since then, as many as 15 panels have been smashed at one time, leading to time, money and effort to replace the glass.

The bus station was only reopened in 2020 after a major refurbishment, with dedicated CCTV linked directly to East Ayrshire Council's Risk Management Centre installed at the station, in the hope of deterring any vandalism.

Councillor Neill Watts says police patrols are to be stepped up.Councillor Neill Watts says police patrols are to be stepped up. (Image: Councillor Neill Watts)

Cumnock Community Council (CCC) member, Michael McPake, has been shouting about more needing to be done to stop this from happening so often, citing the fact that Cumnock Police Station is no more than 500 feet away.

People travelling to Cumnock via the bus have been put off by the state of the stance on their arrival.

One person said: "I was totally disgusted to see the state of almost all the glass shattered which is totally ridiculous. 

"Each time I  get off the bus stance and all the shattered glass, it looks worse than before."

READ MORE: Vandals target Cumnock's bus station AGAIN as seats ripped out

Now, it seems like the issue will be looked at in more depth.

Cumnock and New Cumnock councillor, Neill Watts, said he attended a meeting with other local councillors from the town, as well as representatives from Ayrshire Roads Alliance and Police Scotland to chat about the issue.

He said: "I joined other elected members at a meeting with representatives from Ayrshire Roads Alliance and Police Scotland Ayrshire to look at the new damage at the Cumnock Bus Station which was further vandalised last weekend.

"Ayrshire Roads Alliance will now formulate a plan for moving forward and prepare some options and the Cumnock Police confirmed that plans are in place to increase their presence around the Bus Station Area.

"Ayrshire Roads Alliance are also now looking at the cleaning schedule for the Bus Station area as it was noted this morning that the area was not clean to a standard that is acceptable.

"Such damage to our 'new' Bus Station is completely unacceptable."