SANQUHAR residents came together recently for another extremely successful and popular town flower show.

The Horticultural and Industrial Society show once again had a high standard of exhibits in most sections throughout a rare day of sunshine.

The wet summer did not stop the keen gardeners from showcasing their hard work.

This year was the society's 167th show, having started back following the pandemic.

A fine display of exhibits were on show in Sanquhar Community Centre, with the official opening performed by Marjorie Burnett.

Marjorie was delighted to have been asked to perform the opening of the flower show, with young Eliza Pagan presenting a thank you gift to Mrs Burnett.

Committee members said they were pleased with the number of entries for this year’s show.

The staff and P1 pupils at Sanquhar Primary School also chipped in to help out, producing painted sunflower pictures, and they also coloured in carrot posters to decorate the hall.

A spokesperson for the group said: "The committee very much appreciate the donations and sponsorship given to the show by local Sanquhar businesses and friends.

"Also, thank you for all the prizes gifted to the raffle. A very special show of appreciation to all exhibitors especially ones that travelled from outwith the area.

"Special thanks and appreciation to all non-committee members that assisted behind the scenes in the kitchen with the teas, judging, stage building and clean up at the end of the show to make the show another great success."