This week, we take a look back at the big Cumnock and Doon Valley stories from September 2014 - just days before Scotland's independence referendum.

Who can you spot in these photos from 10 years ago?

(Image: Newsquest)

Kirsty and her Kritters were very welcome guests when they visited Primary 1 and the Early Childhood Centre at Logan Primary in September 2014.

(Image: Newsquest)

Before the horsemen left Sanquhar’s Queensberry Square to Ride the Marches in 2014, a presentation of a bottle of whisky was made to retiring policeman Robert Telfer by the town’s Troopers Club. Robert had accompanied club members on ride outs over a long numbers of years.

(Image: Newsquest)

Cumnock’s Louise Wright and Evonne Austin, both nurses on the children’s ward at Crosshouse Hospital, decided to do a sponsored half marathon in 2014 to raise £2,140 to help a grieving family erect a headstone for their loved one.

(Image: Newsquest)

Doon Academy pupil Megan Pollock met Prince Charles in September 2014 after taking part in a fashion course at Dumfries House.

(Image: Newsquest)

Fusion School of Dance performed their 2011 summer stage show ‘Rags to Riches’ in Cumnock Academy. Pictured are the Auchinleck senior group.

(Image: Newsquest)

On the eve of the 2014 Independence Referendum, Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont visited the old stomping ground of party founder James Keir Hardie. Ms Lamont headed for the Keir Hardie statue at Cumnock Town Hall to lay a bunch of red roses in his honour, accompanied by Sandra Osborne MP, Cathy Jamieson MP and deputy Labour leader Anas Sarwar.