Work to complete a sewer repair on Auchinleck's Main Street has been delayed due to issues with parts, Scottish Water has said.

The company has been carrying out sewer repair work on a section of road near the Main Street's junctions with Coal Road and Church Hill.

The usual traffic lights close to Tesco have temporarily been replaced with four-way lights, which have been causing some heavy traffic at certain times in the day.

An original traffic management paperwork had the work lasting until Sunday, August 25, but the notice was extended last week for up until the middle of this week.

However, there was an issue with some of the parts required to complete the repair. 

Scottish Water said the reinstatement and tarring of the road is set to be completed over the weekend and the traffic management remove by Monday.

A spokesperson added: “We would like to thank everyone affected for their patience and understanding while we carried out this essential repair.”