A quiz night is being held in Mauchline on Friday night in support of a youngster from the town.

A target of £10,000 has been set and smashed to raise funds to support young Rudi Parker, who has central hypotonia, which causes low muscle tone.

The condition affects Rudi's ability to walk unsupported.

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Determined to give their boy the fulfilled life he deserves, parents Sarah and Robert are aiming to provide Rudi with a range of specialist therapies and equipment, so he can enjoy being a young kid.

Over £11,000 has already been raised to support the Parkers, with donations continue to flood in.

To help towards the ongoing costs, family friends Cheryl Brown and Ross Hislop have organised a quiz night taking place in Mauchline tonight (September 6).

It will take place at Mauchline Supporters Club from 7.30pm onwards.

Entry costs £20 for a team of four players, with raffle prizes donated from Mauchline business and beyond to be won.

Tickets can be bought at the door on the night.

Read more about Rudi's story and support the family's efforts here.