East Ayrshire could be set for bin strikes in the near future, after Unison members voted to reject a pay offer.

Council workers at Scotland’s largest local government union voted overwhelmingly to reject the latest pay offer from employers amid the threat of bin strikes.

Unison members, including bin workers and nursery workers, voted by 86 per cent to reject the latest pay offer from The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (Cosla) on Tuesday.

The offer includes an hourly uplift of £0.67 or a 3.6 per cent increase, whichever is higher.

However, the union says this falls short of expectations given the 25 per cent real-terms pay cut over the past 14 years.

Unison has mandates for strike action by waste and recycling workers at 13 councils, with East Ayrshire Council one of them.

Strikes were due to take place in East Ayrshire from August 14 until 21 (inclusive), but these were put on hold until the pay offer was put to members.

The union’s local government committee, made up of senior stewards from across Scotland, will discuss next steps over the next few days.

Unison Scotland local government committee chair, Colette Hunter, said: “Cosla and the Scottish Government need to understand the anger among council staff.

“They want a fair increase to stop their pay consistently falling behind, and for their wage increase to be in line with other areas of the economy. The last thing anyone wants to do is go on strike, but local government workers deserve better.

“This result must be a wake-up call and get the employers and Government to invest in local services and the staff who deliver them.”

abinet secretary for finance and local government, Shona Robison, said: “While this Government respects Unison members’ decision, it is very disappointing.

“Thanks to £77.5 million of additional Scottish Government funding, the offer provides an above-inflation pay increase for all, with most workers receiving more than 4.0% and those on the lowest pay getting 5.63%. This offer is better than that made to local government workers in the rest of the UK.

“I am delighted GMB Scotland voted in favour of our fair, above-inflation offer which allows this hugely valued workforce to continue serving communities. I hope Unite members will to vote to accept.

“The Scottish Government has no formal role in pay negotiations although it will continue to work constructively with Cosla as efforts to secure a fair and affordable pay deal continue. Industrial action will serve no one and I would urge all parties to work together.”