Two local weightlifters have cracked the world's top 10 after taking part in a strongman event last weekend.

Michelle Leary and Ian Easterbrook both train at The Unit Strength & Conditioning gym at Borland Farm on the outskirts of Cumnock.

Last weekend, they successfully competed UK National Strongman World Finals for tested athletes.

They’re tested for certain type of performance-enhancing drugs, so it’s a fully clean event.

Michelle competing.Michelle competing. (Image: Submitted)

The event took place over two days in Galway, with 12 hours of competition each day.

Michelle competed in the Masters category, which is the over 40s and Ian competed in the under 90kg weight category.

With over 140 athletes in total competing, Michelle amazing placed sixth, while Ian came in 10th overall - placing them both among the elite in these categories in the world.

Coach and friend, Dougie Black, who operated The Unit, went along with Michelle and Ian to offer his support and guidance.

With Michelle and Ian both making top-10 finishes, it means that gym is now responsible for three athletes achieving the goal of being at the top end of the world's rankings.

Ian competing.Ian competing. (Image: Submitted)

Delighted with how it went, Dougie said: “There were athletes from the likes of America, Canada, Italy, France, Australia and things like that, and there was about 145 athletes in total, so it was a great mix and great to see the sport growing like this.

“It was 12 hour shifts both days so it was taxing on the bodies for them competing, but it was worth it in the end again.

“Michelle and Ian were competing and they’re put in so much work to be able to compete and be so successful in this.

“Ian managed a 275kg deadlift, which is over three times his bodyweight and Michelle managed a 180kg frame carry, so watching them be able to do that was phenomenal for them as well.

“That’s me now got three clients from the gym who are ranked top 10 in the world in their categories, so it’s quite unbelievable for a wee gym from Cumnock to have people literally on the world stage like that."

There's no rest for the wicked, as they prepare to head out to Finland to compete at the World Heavy Events Association.

READ MORE: Gym-goers set to represent Cumnock on the world stage

Dougie added: “It’s great to have athletes competing like this in the natural side of the sport. You have the untested side which is the one that’s on TV, but for these guys to be doing this is quite remarkable.

“We’ve got plenty coming up over the next few weeks and months, but that’s what it’s all about. I’m looking forward to it all and getting a wee rest afterwards.