A community action group is to be formed in New Cumnock to deal with apparent waste dumping issues in the village.

We reported recently how locals said they have been dealing with the stench of "human excrement" from vacant land in the village for a few months.

SEPA said that lorries had been parking in the village as part of vehicles transporting sewage sludge to the Garleffan and Grievehill former opencast mining site near New Cumnock.

READ MORE: New Cumnock residents concerned about 'human excrement'

Local man Andy Clapperton has been shouting about the issue since it started, which led to a it being discussed at a recent New Cumnock Community Council meeting.

Andy said: "Due to the strength of feelings at Wednesday evening’s community council meeting, a Village Action Group is in the process of being formed."

East Ayrshire Council said that work had been carried out to restrict the lorries from parking at vacant land in the village.

Vehicles had been parking on vacant land in New Cumnock.Vehicles had been parking on vacant land in New Cumnock. (Image: NQ Archive)

Local MSP Sharon Dowey was also made aware of the situation and visited the site to see what was going on.

Ms Dowey plans to raise the issue with the relevant bodies, to help out the New Cumnock community.

She said: “I share my constituents' major concerns about the severe impact that waste transportation is having for those living in and around New Cumnock.

“This is completely unacceptable and is causing major disruption to daily life in the local community.

“That is why I have visited relevant sites to see the issues for myself and I have written to local authorities to press for urgent action.

“This situation has been going on for far too long and all those involved must rectify it to improve the wellbeing of those residents affected.”

Restoration work is being carried out at the Garleffan and Grievehill former opencast mining site.Restoration work is being carried out at the Garleffan and Grievehill former opencast mining site. (Image: NQ Archive)

SEPA has said that they are monitoring the situation and confirmed that they had been contacted by MSP Dowey about the situation.

The New Cumnock community group will be fully formed in due course, to deal with the ongoing situation.