Developers of a proposed new petrol station in Mauchline have resubmitted a section of their plans following feedback from Transport Scotland.

Plans were submitted to East Ayrshire Council in April to create a new petrol station on land that was also previously used as a petrol station in the town.

The site, on vacant Kilmarnock Road land in Mauchline, could see four petrol pumps installed, along with EV charging points, a jet wash, air pressure machine and a shop space.

According to the local authority's planning portal, a determination deadline for the plans had been set for the beginning of June.

However, developers have recently resubmitted a document on the site's layout.

The proposed new layout.The proposed new layout. (Image: NQ Archive)

A response from Transport Scotland to the plans' shop deliveries stated that "the proposals do not include an assessment of how delivery vehicles would enter and exit the service bay."

Roads bosses added that: "We have concerns how any vehicle in the service bay can exit the site and turn north. Swept paths need to confirm the movement can be made safely without interaction with traffic on the trunk road."

A resubmission of plans shows that delivery vehicles travelling north would do a loop of the forecourt before exiting the site, in this instance.

The Transport Scotland response relating to fuel deliveries added: "Exiting the development site from the refuelling point, the tanker is shown to over-sail and over-run on both sides of the exit.

"It is also noted that the vehicle wheel path cuts across the footway for approximately 10m. This is unacceptable as it is a safety risk and contrary to traffic regulations.

"Whilst Transport Scotland is broadly supportive of the proposals and considers there are elements of the above that could be dealt with by appropriate conditions, there remain elements of the design that need to be considered further."

READ MORE: Mauchline mum says petrol station could affect daughter's health

Overall, the proposals have received more letters of objection than support on the planning ages.

Those in favour say it will be great to bring a new business to the town, while those against it are citing reasons such as increased traffic on this section of road.

The number of objections mean it's possible, though not yet confirmed, that the application could be decided by councillors on the local authority's planning committee, rather than by officials. 

You can view the full plans on the East Ayrshire Council planning portal, by searching application 24/0122/PP.