A Cumnock councillor is looking to build on the momentum gathered to bring back people to the Woodroad Park.

Cumnock and New Cumnock councillor Neill Watts also acts as chair of Woodroad Park and Leisure Group.

The group has a long-term vision of returning the park to its former glory of being a social hotspot in the community.

The recent Woodroad Park fun day was the first step in major plans for the leisure group, and Cllr Watts says building on the momentum and feel-good factor of events like this will be vital in achieving the future goals.

Cumnock and New Cumnock councillor, Neill Watts also acts as Chair of Woodroad Park and Leisure Group.Cumnock and New Cumnock councillor Neill Watts also acts as Chair of Woodroad Park and Leisure Group. (Image: NQ Archive)

He said: “The Woodroad event was great and we hope to build on the momentum that it can give us going forward to make it even better next year.

“Comparing it to what we had last year was amazing as well, we had about 40 stalls and food vendors and stuff.

“The committee is chomping at the bit for next year and to get things going at the park.

“People were telling me they hadn’t seen the park so busy in years."

READ MORE: Hopes to bring back former favourite to Woodroad as part of future plans

Some of the upgrades outlined for the park include an overhaul of the play area, bringing back the tennis courts and changing rooms and toilets.

A paper consultation was carried out by Woodroad Park and Leisure Group last year, with its results being recently released, to see what people in the area wanted to see change.

The consultation is also available online, with almost 100 people completing the paper copy.

Cllr Watts said feedback from this consultation will be crucial moving forward.

Sections of the parked have been fenced off in the past.Sections of the parked have been fenced off in the past. (Image: NQ Archive)

He added: “I looked over at the play area during the fun day, which still does need some work, and I’ve never seen so many people in it.

“The committee is really coming together now, so we can hopefully start moving forward with the other bits we want to do.

“One of the important factors is to keep on pushing the consultation, because the more responses we get, the better.

“The more people we get then it gives us more support to go and get the funding to make the changes we want."

“You’re wanting about £250,000 to do up the play area, so the support will be vital for funding," Cllr Watts continued.

“It’s a wee while down the road, but one of the members came up with the idea of going with a mining theme for the new park, because it goes back to the history of the area and it will keep it relevant for a new generation.

“We are really keen for this to move forward, but there isn’t just a pot of gold sitting waiting to be spent. There’s a process to all of this that takes time and it doesn’t happen over night.

"Everything we're doing is to benefit the community, so we hope more people can get on board."