Issues relating to flooding and a footpath at the Woodroad Park are set to be repaired soon, according to one of the area's councillors.

Areas of grass near to the Cumnock playpark, as well as the footpath running adjacent to the park, have been affected by recent heavy rain.

The footpath had bene badly damaged from rain a few weeks ago, with flooding on the grass causing huge pools of water.

Locals had become concerned about the potential health and safety implications of the condition of the footpath, with it becoming largely unusable for those in a wheelchair or parents using a pram.

Flooding issues at the park.Flooding issues at the park. (Image: Submitted)

Cumnock and New Cumnock councillor, Neill Watts, who also doubles as the Chair of Woodroad Park and Leisure Group, said work is due to be carried out on the path.

He also said that work will take place to fix the drainage issues for the drain facilitating the park.

Cllr Watts said: "There's a drain that's on the road that comes down from the farm and it gets blocked up quite easily.

"With the rain we've had over the last few days, that's caused that block up and then the water rushes down over the grassy areas and down towards the burn.

"The main path has been washed away in parts, but sorting that issue is in hand.

"I've managed to get the council onto that and the work order has been issues to renew and sort the path out, because it's dangerous.

"The Ayrshire Roads Alliance are aware of the drainage issue, so that needs to be sorted so that the work being carried out on the pathway isn't a waste of time."

The path has been badly affected.The path has been badly affected. (Image: Submitted)

Cllr Watts has been vocal about his hopes of improving the image and look of the park, with aims to improve it and bring people back to the area.

The recent Woodroad Park fun day was the first step in major plans for the leisure group, and Cllr Watts says making sure the area is safe and accessible is vital to any success they have.

He added: "We want to keep improving the look of the park and entice people back to come back.

"So making sure the path and any other issues are fixed is so important for the work we want to do at the park."

East Ayrshire Council has also been contacted for comment.