Mauchline Horticultural and Agricultural Society will be hosting its annual show once again next month.

The fruits, vegetables, and flowers of a year's hard work in the gardens and greenhouses of Mauchline will go on display for the 81st show in the town.

This year's show will be held in Mauchline Parish Church Halls on Saturday, September 7.

Last year, over 100 attended the show, with over 600 exhibits included.

PICTURES: A blooming great day at Mauchline's annual flower show

The show will be opened by Rev. Allan Vint, minister of Mauchline Parish Church, and he will also present the trophies to the winners.

There will be many classes for everyone to enter from Cut Flowers to Baking, Vegetables, Floral Art and Handicrafts. 

To keep the kids entertained on the day, organisers have vegetables, handicrafts and baking classes.

Helen Drummond with one of the winning exhibits last year.Helen Drummond with one of the winning exhibits last year. (Image: Submitted)

Organisers of the event said: "There are trophies as well as prize money to be won.

"We would encourage as many people as possible to enter the show as it helps keep the event going. There is always someone willing to help new exhibitors. 

"Even if you don't win it's the taking part that counts."

"There will also be a raffle with lots of prizes.

"If you're not entering then come along and admire the produce, flowers and crafts. Perhaps it will encourage you to try next year.

"Schedules and more information is available from the Secretary by calling 01290 550623."

More information can also be found on the Mauchline Horticultural & Agricultural Society Facebook page.