East Ayrshire Council has made a pledge to boost the region’s economy by choosing to support local businesses whenever it possibly can.

Council leader Douglas Reid has signed the Scotland Loves Local Pledge on behalf of the authority, promising to prioritise spending with enterprises in the region.

It is a statement of intent, ahead of Scotland Loves Local Week starting on Monday, August 26, which further enhances the local authority’s ethos to think local first. 

The council’s support for local business already includes using family-run Mauchline organic dairy Mossgiel to supply its school milk.

And it has been a national trailblazer in the use of local gift cards in encouraging residents to spend with businesses in their community.

Councillor Reid said: “We were proud to be pioneers of shop local gift cards. With the changing retail environment it has given all sorts of businesses an opportunity to expand the way in which they carry out transactions, while also allowing them to compete with the online giants. 

“With the back up of our community-led regeneration team, and working in partnership with the local business associations, we’ve explored many innovative ways of using the cards, run promotions and competitions and worked with retailers to make the East Ayrshire Gift Cards a success.

"It’s been a joint effort which has paid off, keeping money circulating locally and supporting all types of local business.”

East Ayrshire Council’s signing of the pledge has been welcomed by Kilmarnock Business Association, which has also signed up.

Other organisations, businesses and individuals across the region are being urged to show their commitment to choosing local by following the council’s lead in signing the pledge - then following that with action.

It states: “We will choose local, prioritising the people and businesses around us at every opportunity.”

You can sign the Scotland Loves Local Pledge by going to www.lovelocal.scot/pledge.