Young Ava Bolton has completed the first leg of specialist treatment to stop her cancer from returning.

The brave Mauchline four-year-old was given the news that she was in remission last month.

After the Boltons were given the news at the start of last year that Ava had been diagnosed with stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma, the community rallied to raise over £300,000 and send Ava and her family to New York for special treatment.

Ava with brother Lucas.Ava with brother Lucas. (Image: Help Our Ava)

With the first visit coming to an end, Ava, along with dad Scott, Mum Natalie and brother Lucas, will have to return to the States on five occasions for follow-up treatment.

The family has shared an update that the first visit has come to an end, and they're now focusing on ensuring Ava continues her recovery.

READ MORE: Ava Bolton's family overcome with emotion as youngster beats cancer

They said: "For the past month we have been in New York for the start of Ava’s treatment.

"It was a bit rushed organising after receiving her last scan results and having her Hickmann line removed a few days before we were flying but we made it and all went well.

"The day after arriving we had our first consultation with Ava’s Dr at MSK, they explained everything to us regards the vaccine and which arm of the trial she would be on.

"The following day she had to have her bone marrow tests done which, at MSK is done differently, they sample from four points and, as you can imagine, she was a bit sore after this."

Ava hanging out with princesses.Ava hanging out with princesses. (Image: Help Our Ava)

The Boltons said that Ava then started the vaccine trial the following week, receiving one dose each week for three weeks.

They added: "So far everything has gone well with some minor side effects to the vaccine itself, mainly some pain at the injection site, redness and swelling but they subsided after 48 hours.

"Nothing compared to the treatment and side effects she has endured to this point.

"Over the last 18 months we have certainly had some bumps in the road with the lasting side effects to Ava’s overall and continuing treatment, this last month has been no exception.

"Ava routinely gets peripheral neuropathy pain (nerve pains), fatigue and behavioural/emotional challenges.

"However, we have tried our best to make positive memories along the way and make the most of our time in New York to allow the kids to look back and remember their favourite bits; “days in the big park”, “Dinosaurs in the museum”, ”Being a princess”, “Swimming at camp”.

"As always, thank you everyone for your continued support as this trip and future treatments wouldn’t have been possible without it."