Proposals have been revealed for the extension of a wind farm near New Cumnock.

Public drop-ins are set to take place for locals to have their say on the plans.

Invenergy, the company bringing forward the Pencloe wind farm, which is currently under construction on a site just over 5km to the south of New Cumnock, are bringing forward a proposal for a five-turbine extension.

The extension, if permission is granted, would mean the nearest turbine at the development would be around 4km closer to New Cumnock.

Planning consent was granted by Scottish ministers in August 2021 for the development of up to 19 turbines with a height of 149.9 metres to blade tip and an installed capacity of between 80 and 90 megawatts (MW).

READ MORE: Community groups set for £400k windfall a year from New Cumnock turbines

Because the generating capacity of the proposed operation is more than 50 megawatts, the power to grant permission lay with the Scottish Government, rather than with East Ayrshire Council.

Initial work began on-site at the end of April.

Two public consultation and drop-in events are due to take place next week.

They will take place on Thursday, August 22 at:

  • 11am to 2.30pm - New Cumnock Town Hall, 31-33 Castle, New Cumnock, KA18 4AN
  • 3pm to 7pm - New Cumnock Working Mens Club, 103 Afton Bridgend, New Cumnock, KA18 4JG

The local community is due to benefit from around £400,000 a year in benefits as a result of the wind farm plans.

A community benefit fund of £5,000 per megawatt (MW) per annum has been agreed with local communities - set to be around £427,000 per year.

Drop-in sessions will take place on Thursday, August 22.Drop-in sessions will take place on Thursday, August 22. (Image: NQ Archive)

The benefit funds will be managed by the 9CC group, comprising the nine community councils around the Cumnock and Doon Valley area, to ensure the cash is distributed fairly around the community.

Describing the proposed extension, a spokesperson for Invenergy said: "The additional turbines for the extension would be located on land within Ashmark Farm, to the west of Pencloe Forest and immediately to the northwest of the consented Pencloe Wind Farm.

"This is approximately 4km south-west of New Cumnock.

"Careful consideration has already been given to the proposed layout and the design of the layout will evolve to reflect further environmental considerations, technical constraints, and feedback obtained during consultation.

"The extension would share an electrical grid connection with the Pencloe wind farm that is under construction. Access to the Site will be taken from the consented Abnormal Load Access Route for Pencloe wind farm."

You can find more information about the development at