Bosses at a care home in Cumnock remain defiant and upbeat following a mixed inspection report.

Care Inspectorate workers visited Bute House care home in Cumnock last month and published a mixed report, highlighting some positives from the visit, as well as some areas for improvement.

The report also looked at areas that had been improved since a previous visit back in May.

Management at the Barrhill Terrace facility said they'd put a "voluntary moratorium" on accepting any more occupants while they worked on improvements demanded by the watchdog.

READ MORE: Cumnock care home praised for brushing up its act after scathing report

In the most recent visit, inspectors rated the home as 'adequate' in four separate categories, meaning that strengths only just outweighed weaknesses in these areas.

Inspectors noted improvements in management of clinical risk and people's healthcare needs.

The report added that, by December 2024, the provider must demonstrate that people are safeguarded and experience consistently good outcomes, and that quality assurance and improvement is well led.

Mentioning the home's setting, the report added: "There was a need to further develop the improvement plan to include more detail regarding the actions to be taken to improve the standard of the care home environment."

It was added that a number of previous areas for improvement had been met, but some had been missed.

This included the provider ensuring that personal plans clearly set out how individuals health, welfare and safety needs are to be managed and met, as well as their wishes and choices.

Management remains upbeat.Management remains upbeat. (Image: NQ Archive)

This requirement has been extended until December 2024.

Despite the mixed feedback, Home Manager, Pauline Hunter remains upbeat about the work the team had been doing to improve the home since inspectors last visited.

Pauline said: “The inspection was a bit disappointing I have to say, due to the work we have put in, but we continue to give it our all.

“It was difficult juggling with contractors doing the work and not upsetting the residents too much.

“Care continues to be our focus, the paperwork etc will take time but we are forging ahead with that. New systems in place are going well, as are the new team members.

“My big thanks to team Bute looking after our much loved residents.”