Plans have been granted approval for what could be the UK's largest wind turbines near New Cumnock.

The site will also look to generate upwards of £9million in community funds throughout its lifespan.

OnPath, formerly known as Banks Renewables, asked the Scottish Government for permission to build up to 10 wind turbines at the site, with maximum heights from the ground to the blade tip of between 235 and 251 metres.

This week, permission was granted for the plans to go ahead, with East Ayrshire Council previously acting as a consultant for the plans and offering no objections.

When permission was granted for the original Lethans wind turbine development in October 2020, the maximum height to blade tip was stated to be 220 metres - at the time the tallest turbines to receive planning approval in Scotland.

READ MORE: £300 million wind farm near Dalmellington hits its latest milestone

However, on-site work on that project has yet to begin.

This extension could operate as a stand-alone facility if the previously consented Lethans turbines are not built.

Because the generating capacity of the proposed operation is more than 50 megawatts, the power to grant permission lay with the Scottish Government.

Robin Winstanley, Sustainability and Environment Director at OnPath Energy said: "With sustainability and climate change being such a pressing, global issue, we are thrilled that our Lethans Wind Farm extension application has been approved.

"The additional turbines at the site will bring a wealth of environmental, social and economic benefits to the local community, creating a £9m community fund to be distributed to local initiatives around the area."

READ MORE: Doon Valley wind farm moves closer to approval 

Plans for this development were strongly opposed by campaign group, Scotland Against Spin.

The group stands opposed to national wind energy policy. They described the plans as potential "destruction" in the area.

A group spokesperson said: "Yet another wind farm in an already saturated landscape around New Cumnock. How many more can they squeeze in? 

"These will be the tallest consented in the UK and will open the doors for applications for turbines of even greater dimensions causing greater environmental damage. 

"How can so much destruction be allowed to be inflicted in one area?".