A Cumnock weightlifter has claimed the title of the strongest men's Police Officer in the land.

Dougie Black started The Unit back in October 2020 after falling in love with strongman events.

Since then, the gym has moved from its original home at Thistle Industrial Park to Borland Farm on the outskirts of the town, and has grown to over 70 members.

On top of the podium.On top of the podium. (Image: Submitted)

Dougie claimed the title of Britain's Strongest Police Officer Men's Open at Loughborough on Saturday (July 27).

Having formerly won the title back in 2021, Dougie was delighted to come out on top once again.

Dougie's trophy.Dougie's trophy. (Image: Submitted)

He said: “That was the fourth time I’ve competed in it. I won it in 2021 and I never competed in 2023 so it was good to get the title back.

“We’re trying to make it bigger event every year, but it just depends who’s available and who can actually get time off work.

“It was great to win it and have that feeling that didn’t really sink in until I was driving home.

“I won three of the events and came second place in the other so it was a good day to win it like that and I'm looking forward to next year already."

Having been in the police for more than six years now, Dougie has been involved with some the schools in the area.

His combined passion for both roles is something that Dougie hopes can encourage youngsters into positive habits.

He added: “I’ve been in the police for around six years and my official title is youth engagement officer and I cover Sanquhar Academy and Wallace Hall Academy.

“They’ll be chuffed because they knew I was going for it and they know it’s a big part of my life and I try and incorporate some of things into the school as well.

“I try and get some gym related stuff and it really catches on with some of them and I think stuff like that can be so important for places like that.

 “It’s about trying to divert the students away from the wrong path because if they’re going to the gym then they’re not out doing something they maybe shouldn’t be."

It will be a busy few months ahead for Dougie, as he and members of The Unit prepare to compete in various events right across Europe.