A Cumnock teenager has signed off from her unforgettable teaching trip to Ghana.

Mia Hetherington, 18, was chosen as an International Volunteer in Africa after a competitive selection process.

Having been selected an raised funds in the process for the trip, Mia has been in the African country since January.

During her time, she has taught, met and shared countless experiences with large groups of locals.

Mia with some of her group.Mia with some of her group. (Image: Get Mia to Africa)

It's a trip that Mia has dreamed about since she was 15, so it was understandable that leaving this leg of her journey was met with mixed emotions.

Mia said: "I was living and teaching in a little village called Have-Glime which I can confidently say has been the most amazing experience of my life.

"As of now nothing can top the experience I've had with all of the children and teachers and the community of Have-Glime.

"One thing I can say about our time with everyone is how much love we have for each and every one of them.

"On Friday we said goodbye to our teaching days. That was definitely the most emotional day we’ve had as I am now retired as 'Madam Mia'. Not having my Crazy Class 6 any more was really upsetting."

When they ask you if you can take them back to the UK with you, you start to tear up.When they ask you if you can take them back to the UK with you, you start to tear up. (Image: Get Mia to Africa)

Mia says she was keen to travel to Africa and learn about the different communities and cultures, and it's something she hopes will give her a new outlook on life.

It's definitely something she managed to achieve, with the youngsters making a real impact on her.

Despite this part of her trip being over, there's plenty to still look forward to.

The experience of a lifetime.The experience of a lifetime. (Image: Get Mia to Africa)

Mia added: "Saying goodbye to these kids was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. 

"When they ask you if you can take them back to the UK with you, you start to tear up.

"We are traveling parts of Ghana for the little time we have left before we fly home.

"It's kicked in that I'm really seeing my mum and dad in three weeks.

"I've missed them so much while being here. They’ve always been my biggest supporters, so I can’t wait to see them.

"Finally, I want to thank everyone who has supported me through this journey, from the start of my fundraising all the way to now, for making this experience possible for me.

"I am truly thankful to everyone. I will always remember this. Again, thank you so much."