East Ayrshire Council hosted a tea dance at Dumfries House recently for over 160 volunteers to thank them for the time and commitment they give to their communities.

(Image: East Ayrshire Council)
(Image: East Ayrshire Council)
The tea dance was held as part of Volunteers’ Week which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year.

(Image: East Ayrshire Council)
(Image: East Ayrshire Council)

The event saw volunteers from community groups and sports clubs joining befrienders and literacy, Active Schools and Supported Accommodation volunteers to share their experiences and enjoy an afternoon of inspirational speeches, music, dancing and a performance by East Ayrshire's very own Elvis.

(Image: East Ayrshire Council)
(Image: East Ayrshire Council)
Councillor Jim McMahon, Cabinet Spokesperson for Housing, Transport and Communities, said: “We are so grateful to all of our volunteers who give up their time to help make a real difference to people’s lives.

(Image: East Ayrshire Council)
(Image: East Ayrshire Council)

"From what we heard at the event, volunteering can be life changing for the volunteers themselves as well.

(Image: East Ayrshire Council)

"Their selflessness and kindness is truly inspiring and our thanks go to all of them for their incredible efforts.”