A new track is set to be created around Afton reservoir in New Cumnock.

As part of plans from the New Cumnock Development Trust's (NCDT) plans to further expand next year's FitFest event, a new track around the perimeter of the popular spot will be created.

NCDT's aim is to improve as many aspects of New Cumnock as possible, with this year's FitFest event building on the success of last year.

The group held the first FitFest event last year, which was attended by more than 2,000 people.

The track will aim to make the popular spot more accessible.The track will aim to make the popular spot more accessible. (Image: Morag Gordon @ Cumnock Chronicle Camera Club)

Although the plan for the new path is being tied in with next year's affair, they're hoping it can be enjoyed by people all year round.

Laura Pagan from NCDT said: "We’re working now on the pathway up and around Afton Dam.

"It’s got a road half way around and then the other half is just like a path but it’s not great.

"We’re working with some of the community groups to put a pathway all the way around and we’re hoping that will be finished for next year.

"That will be five kilometres all the way around, so we’re hoping to incorporate that into FitFest next year, but it will just be a great benefit for the community when that’s done.

"The Dam is such a popular spot, so having more accessibility to it will be great for New Cumnock".