A review is underway for a problematic junction in Mauchline, according to roads bosses.

Earlier this month, Ballochmyle councillor William Lennox wrote to transport secretary Fiona Hyslop, outlining his concerns after being made aware of several ‘near miss’ incidents involving primary school pupils and pedestrians at Mauchline Cross.

The problem at the junction, where the A76 meets the B743, is heightened by the blocking of exit routes at busy periods of the day, especially school drop-off and pick-up times, says Cllr Lennox.

The problem area of road in Mauchline.The problem area of road in Mauchline. (Image: Street view)

In his letter, Cllr Lennox said he was particularly concerned at vehicles being able to legitimately park on the carriageway just a short distance from the junction.

Responding to Cllr Lennox in a letter last week, Transport Scotland said that a review is underway for the "the operation of this junction".

The review will look at signal timings to decide whether improvements can be made to traffic flow as well as availability of crossing time for pedestrians.

The letter said "it is a fine balance as increasing crossing time can have a detrimental impact on congestion."

The crossing areas are also set to be upgraded, with implementation proposed in the next financial year.

READ MORE: Transport bosses urged to act after 'near-misses' at Mauchline junction

Transport Scotland's letter to Cllr Lennox concluded by saying: "I would be happy to represent Transport Scotland at a meeting to discuss the junction which I think would be very worthwhile.

"I have a liaison meeting with representatives from Police Scotland, East Ayrshire Council, Ayrshire Roads Alliance and Amey on the 28 of June and will raise this issue and request a meeting is arranged by the council.

"I will request you are invited to any meeting arranged Councillor Lennox."

Councillor William Lennox wants to see action taken.Councillor William Lennox wants to see action taken. (Image: NQ Archive)

The Ayrshire Roads Alliance, which deals with road issues on behalf of East Ayrshire Council, previously said it was aware of issue concerning this area of road.

Jane Corrie, head of roads at the Ayrshire Roads Alliance, said: "We're aware of concerns raised about  Mauchline Cross and we've passed these to the A76 trunk road operator Amey within whose remit this issue rests.

"We will continue to monitor the situation and seek any updates as appropriate."