Kilmarnock and Loudoun's general election candidates are continuing to make their pitch to local voters ahead of polling day.

We've asked candidates for the local seat to set out their views on a range of issues before voters go to the polls on Thursday, July 4.

This week, we have the views on three candidates who responded on what their local priorities should they be elected.

Alan Brown (SNP)

Alan Brown, SNP candidate.Alan Brown, SNP candidate. (Image: NQ Archive)

One priority for Kilmarnock and Loudoun is to ensure that the area, and Scotland in general, are not overlooked by Westminster.

A key aim is to re-introduce my private member’s bill for compensation for the WASPI women, allowing the 6,500 WASPI women in my constituency to receive the compensation they deserve. This will also boost local businesses through increased local spending.

I aim to ensure that the funds committed to the Ayrshire Growth Deal, the Kilmarnock Town Fund, and the, so-called, Levellin only delivered in full but also in line with inflation. Additionally, I will seek opportunities that create investment in the constituency and generate skilled jobs, including continued investment in renewable energy.

Fighting the austerity cuts that Labour has baked into their fiscal rules is crucial. 14 years of Tory austerity have put immense pressure on our public services, despite the best efforts of the SNP Government to protect Scotland. Independent analyses confirm that Labour's plans will require cuts of up to £18 billion, which is completely unacceptable.

The Scottish Child Payment has lifted 100,000 children out of poverty in Scotland. I will challenge a new Labour government to replicate this scheme, bringing more funds to our constituency.

We should not have fuel poverty in energy-rich Scotland. I will continue fighting to remove unfair standing charges from our bills, making energy more affordable for my constituents.

Lillian Jones (Scottish Labour)

(Image: Scottish Labour)

If I have the privilege to serve Kilmarnock and Loudoun as your next MP I will ensure your voice and influence is maximised at the heart of a Labour government to deliver the change our communities so desperately need.

I have spoken with businesses and voters across the constituency who are completely frustrated and angry after being let down by both governments, they tell me it’s time for change.

People are fed up with politicians who only focus on their own priorities and put party before country – I will always put Kilmarnock and Loudoun first.

I want our communities to prosper, our young people to have access to quality apprenticeships and training opportunities and our local businesses to grow with confidence.

Labour will work to deliver economic stability to transform our country and deliver a decade of national renewal boosting wages, cutting bills and strengthening our economy and renewing our public services.

Labour will create GB Energy based in Scotland, lowering energy bills for good, creating good jobs and delivering clean power.

Labour will make work pay with a New Deal for workers that will ban zero hours contracts and deliver a genuine living wage – the first step to tackling poverty within our communities.

Labour will cut NHS waiting times by investing in our NHS and funding thousands of additional appointments every year paid for by cracking down on tax avoidance and non-dom loopholes.

I believe our best days are ahead of us, you only have to vote for it.

Bex Glen (Scottish Greens)

Bex Glen is the Scottish Greens candidate for Kilmarnock and Loudoun.Bex Glen is the Scottish Greens candidate for Kilmarnock and Loudoun. (Image: NQ Archive)

Knocking on doors in Kilmarnock and Loudoun, I’ve found voters are understandably disillusioned and distrustful of politicians. The social contract is broken, where once a full-time salary supported a family, now people juggle multiple jobs just to make ends meet.

Our NHS has suffered from austerity for over 14 years and Labour’s Health Secretary Wes Streeting, who accepted £175,000 from private health organisations, plans to continue the Conservatives’ privatisation agenda.

Energy policy, controlled by Westminster, forces Scots to pay the highest energy bills and transmission fees despite being a key energy provider. We’re paying for the energy we supply to others—how backward is that?

My priorities for Kilmarnock and Loudoun include the following.

Reforming the tax system so those with the broadest shoulders contribute the most, bringing an end to non-stop austerity. The Scottish Greens propose taxing assets over £3.4 million to raise up to £70 billion per year for the NHS, our public services, and a Green New Deal.

Pressuring the UK Government to abolish domestic electricity standing charges, decouple electricity and gas prices, and nationalise energy so profits benefit the public, not shareholders. This would be possible for the Scottish Government to implement if Scotland had full control over energy policy or became independent.

Piloting a Universal Basic Income scheme and ending the cruel two-child-benefit limit to tackle child poverty.

Repealing anti-union laws, banning exploitative zero-hour contracts, raising the minimum wage in line with inflation, and transitioning to a four-day workweek without loss of pay.

Doubling council tax on second homes to encourage their release to the market or acquisition by councils for permanent social housing.

Labour will win in a landslide, with or without Scotland, this General Election.

So this year, send them a message and vote like our future depends on it: Vote Scottish Greens.

We reached out to all candidates for their views on local issues, and will be speaking to them on other key issues in the weeks leading up to the election.