Parking patrols will be in place at the Barony Campus in Cumnock over the next week following "road safety issues", according to East Ayrshire Council.

Recently, there have been issues with cars accessing and parking in areas they shouldn't be, at the end of the school day.

The campus has a ‘park and stride’ policy in place, which means that children and young people who attend Lochnorris Primary and The Robert Burns Academy should not be dropped off in the campus grounds.

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Parents and carers should park five to ten minutes away and allow their children and young people to walk the last part of the journey.

Underwood Road, which runs adjacent to the campus, has been the main source of the apparent road safety issues.

East Ayrshire Council says that there is strictly no access to Underwood Road and no opportunity to turn safely.

The only vehicles permitted to access Underwood Road via Auchinleck Road are:

  • Campus staff
  • Cherry Trees Early Childhood Centre parents and carers
  • Vehicles approved by the East Ayrshire Council to transport children and young people
  • Blue Badge holders

The drop-off/ pick-up area to the front of the main reception area should only be used by parents and carers of children and young people attending Hillside School and authorised school transport.

READ MORE: Concerns raised over seatbelt safety for Barony pupils

East Ayrshire Council has said that, due to ongoing road safety issues and indiscriminate parking, the Ayrshire Roads Alliance, which deals with roads issues on behalf of the council, will be carrying out patrols over the next week and parking restrictions will be enforced.

The local authority added: "The movement of traffic on campus has been carefully designed by road safety experts to protect the children and young people, particularly the youngest and most vulnerable.

"The one-way system must be adhered to at all times."