It was a busy time across Cumnock and Doon Valley in June 2014, with the Queen's Baton arriving, carnivals in the community...and a controversy over a haggis.

Do you remember these Chronicle stories and pics from 10 years ago?

(Image: Newsquest)

The sun came out as the Queen’s Baton for the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow arrived in Cumnock and Doon Valley. Locals from Dalmellington, New Cumnock, Cumnock, Auchinleck and Mauchline took to the streets to cheer the proud baton bearers along the route.

(Image: Newsquest)

Claire Johnston was one of the local heroes who ran the streets of Auchinleck carrying the baton.

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Glenafton Athletic fan Bobby Guthrie was honoured for his work producing the club’s programme for more than 10 years. Bobby was delighted to discover the Glens magazine had been named one of the top 10 non league football programmes in the country.

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A hot idea by Barshare Primary kids brought them victory in a food competition. P2/3 invented a new ice cream called Dragon’s Breath for Wallace and Gromit’s Yummy Cracking Ideas competition and won the Scottish final. The winning flavour from the team - Millie Carson, Keira Murphy, Lucas Rinaldi, Emma McDonald and Abby Wilkes - included strawberries and chilli.

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Cumnock’s carnival came to Woodroad Park in bright sunshine to see Queen Cerys Savage crowned – and plenty of entertainment for all to enjoy.

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Mauchline Burns Club insisted their half-tonne haggis produced for the annual Holy Fair was STILL a record holder. A haggis weighing a full tonne was unveiled at that year's Royal Highland Show, but the club pointed out the new version had used a non-traditional synthetic skin. The 2009 Mauchline version is pictured above.

(Image: Newsquest)

The 2nd Cumnock Brownies celebrated 100 years of the Brownies. As part of the big celebration, the girls completed nine activities to receive their special badge.