A Mauchline carer has been handed a warning by the sector's watchdog for repeatedly using a mobile phone while driving with a young person in their car.

A report from the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) states that Danielle Cain used a "handheld mobile phone device while driving a company vehicle with young person AA present in the vehicle".

According to the report, the apparent offence happened on multiple occasions between June 2022 and April 2023, while working as a Residential Care Worker by Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd at Foxhill Cottage in Mauchline.

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Ms Cain's fitness to practice was impaired, according to the report, although she is not believed to be working in the sector at the moment.

The SSSC decided that the appropriate sanction was to place a warning on their registration for a period of 12 months.

The report adds: "By using a mobile phone whilst driving, you did not have your full attention on the road.

"The behaviour placed AA, you, and members of the public at risk of harm and falls short of the standards expected of a registered worker.

"You have not provided any comments to the SSSC in respect of this matter and have failed to demonstrate any insight, remorse, regret or apology for how you behaved.

"Whilst the behaviour occurred almost one year ago, you have been unable to demonstrate that there is no risk of repetition as you have not worked in the sector since.

"As you have shown a lack of understanding for the consequences of your behaviour, despite the passage of time since the behaviour occurred, it requires to being marked as unacceptable.

"There is a concerning pattern of behaviour in this case as the behaviour occurred on more than one occasion whilst transporting AA in the company vehicle."

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It was added that Ms Cain's previous good history with the SSSC worked in her favour.

The notice of warning came into effect on June 18, 2024.

A Spark of Genius spokesperson said: "Spark of Genius does not make comment on cases other than to note that the individual was taken through an internal investigatory process and is no longer employed by the organisation".