As part of the build-up to next month's General Election the Chronicle is asking all the local candidates for their views on a variety of topics.

This week, Bex Glen, the Scottish Greens' candidate in Kilmarnock and Loudoun, sets out her position, and her party's policies, on the environment.

The climate crisis and the relentless destruction of our natural world pose existential threats to humanity, presenting the most critical challenge for the next UK Government. The IPCC has issued a stark warning: it’s “now or never” for urgent action by 2030.

The Scottish Greens have already demonstrated a commendable record with initiatives like free bus travel for under-22s, a £50 million Just Transition fund, a National Planning Framework prioritising nature and climate, a £500 million investment in offshore renewables, and a ban on coal extraction.

These achievements underscore the critical role of the Greens in driving forward progressive environmental policies.

However, Scotland’s efforts are often thwarted by Westminster, which prioritizes corporate interests over environmental sustainability.

The UK Government has undermined Scotland’s net-zero goals by issuing new oil and gas licenses in the North Sea, derailing the Deposit Return Scheme, and threatening to dismantle essential environmental laws.

Alarmingly, even the SNP has ignored climate experts’ advice, recently backtracking on their stance against new gas and oil fields.

The Greens are now the only party advocating to revoke new oil and gas licenses and ban new fossil fuel extractions. Despite the UK and Scotland's immense potential for renewable energy, Scotland faces high energy costs and transmission fees due to UK Government policies favoring large energy corporations.

We propose returning the National Grid to public ownership, returning any profits back to the public, and supporting devolved regions in localizing energy generation. This vision includes a network of local, national, and international grids to lower costs and promote low-carbon energy across Europe.

It’s time to vote like our future depends on it. Want Green? Vote Green!