Two events to raise awareness of the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere are set to be held in Cumnock later this month.

Organised by the Biosphere (GSAB) and Cumnock's The Way Forward 2045 (TWF2045), the events will also highlight opportunities to businesses and wider tourism offerings.

The first event, entitled "What is a Biosphere and the Benefit for Business” will be held on Wednesday, June 26 from 9.30am until 5pm.

The drop-in/networking day, will give visitors a chance to meet the GSAB business team, and Wendy, founder of TWF2045, who will host the event in the Ayr Road store.

(Image: Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere)

Two one-hour workshops are scheduled for 12noon-1pm and 3pm-4pm, delivered by GSAB and TWF2045.

The team will be available all day for a chat or to answer any questions, marketing materials are available.

And they encourage local businesses to bring their own marketing materials for sharing and networking.

The second event, held in the same venue on Saturday, June 29 from 10am-3pm, will be a family drop-in day.

You can meet the GSAB Communities Team, and the team from TWF2045, and enjoy activities throughout the day, learning about our climate and nature

There will be freebies for younger visitors, demonstrations, and a meet and greet to local TWF2045 suppliers.

The Way Forward 2045, on the town's Ayr Road, offers a "zero carbon, zero plastic modern solution to combat the destruction".

(Image: Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere)

Split into three sections, the shop on Ayr Road supplies refillable, plastic-free food products, a café and a carbon literacy room to have businesses and community to come in and learn about how to become more carbon neutral.

A spokesperson for the Way Forward said: "As a pivotal location within our community/East Ayrshire and a proud supporter of the GSAB, we are delighted to be co-hosting these events.

"Both days will be held in our retail premises at The Way Forward 2045, 38-42 Ayr Road, Cumnock, KA18 1DW.  There is free car parking to the rear of the building with disabled access and disabled washroom facilities on-site.

"Light refreshments will be available throughout the day with the chance to purchase hot barista drinks, cold drinks, and hot/cold food from our shop."

Covering almost 9,800 square kilometres of south west Scotland's land and sea, the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere follows the rivers that flow out of the Galloway Hills, through forests and farmland, historic villages and towns, all the way to a ruggedly scenic coast.

The UNESCO Biosphere includes iconic wildlife and natural habitats which are recognised as being of international importance.

It stretches from Cumnock and Auchinleck in the north all the way to the Galloway coast and large parts of inland Dumfriesshire in the south.

It encompasses communities with distinct cultural identities, as well as historic landmarks and heritage sites that need to be protected for the generations to come.

It was the first Biosphere in Scotland when it was officially designated in 2012, and there are now six more in the UK - Wester Ross and Kyle of Lochalsh, the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight, Dyfi Valley in Wales, North Devon, and Brighton and the Lewes Downs.

(Image: Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere)

A spokesperson for the Biosphere said: "We are working hard to promote the idea that ecologically sound activity can take place alongside conservation and research.

"Education, employment, tourism and enterprise can all be sustainable, and through a cooperative approach we can achieve a balanced relationship between people and nature.

"Right across Galloway and Southern Ayrshire, the GSA Biosphere Partnership celebrates positive cultural values and identity, helping people learn more about where they live and better understand the heritage we share."