A TAXI driver from Drongan has appeared in court accused of offering to waive a woman's taxi fare in Cumnock following an alleged sexual assault.

James Mitchell pleaded not guilty to the charge of when he appeared in court last week.

The 58-year-old is alleged to have sexually assaulted a female passenger in his taxi by stroking her arm and thigh while at a layby on Skares Road in Cumnock on September 17 last year.

Court papers allege that "for the intention of humiliating, distressing. or alarming her", he directed a sexual verbal communication at the woman.

The complaint alleges he 'did make sexual comments to her and offer to waive her taxi fare in return for sexual favours, all without her consent".  

Defence solicitor Tony Currie told Sheriff Maria Kicinski his client was pleading not guilty to the charge and that Mr Mitchell intended to lodge a special defence of consent at a trial.

Bail was continued for Mr Mitchell, of Watson Terrace, Drongan and he will return to court to face the allegations at a later date.

All accused persons reported in the Cumnock Chronicle and Ayr Advertiser are considered innocent, unless they are later found or admit to being guilty.