A climbing frame in a Cumnock park has been fenced off after being damaged by vandals. 

The equipment is currently being assessed by East Ayrshire Council, who are hoping to repair the frame as soon as possible. 

A spokesperson said: "Vandalism was carried out to a piece of equipment within the park which has been made safe by cordoning it off.

"We are currently assessing the extent of damage and once this has been completed we will get a quote for replacement parts and order these.

"The timescale for repair is difficult to predict as we don’t hold these items in stock and they will need to come directly from a supplier which currently has a lengthy delivery time.

"We will however try to get the equipment back in use as quickly as we can."

The park was the subject of a public consultation earlier this year, with locals saying they wanted to bring tennis courts back to the site.

A paper consultation was carried out by Woodroad Park and Leisure Group last year, to see what people in the area wanted to see change.

The leisure group was created to draw people back to the once-popular summer hotspot in Cumnock.

As part of the consultation, top ideas for the Woodroad Park also included more local events, changing rooms and toilets, and a new adventure play area.