We all knew a General Election would be called at some point this year, but no one expected Rishi Sunak to call one in the shambolic and embarrassing way he did.

But then again it should come as no surprise. Embarrassing and shambolic are the words that best describe the past 14 years of Tory rule.

The UK has faced crippling austerity, a disastrous Brexit, failing public services and a total collapse of standards and decency in public office. Scotland deserves so much better than this.

If opinion polls are correct, then Keir Starmer has a very good chance of entering 10 Downing Street with the backing of a Labour majority.

While I would be delighted to see the back of Rishi and the Tories in government, the thought of Labour in charge does not inspire confidence or hope.

Sir Keir has increasingly blurred the line between the Conservatives and Labour. Welcoming the right-wing Tory Natalie Elphicke summed this up perfectly. He is intent on continuing with the divisive agenda and has back-tracked on nearly every pledge he has ever made.

Here in Scotland we have another option. A vote for the SNP is a vote to put Scotland first.

In every seat the Tories hold in Scotland, the SNP are close behind. Only by voting the SNP can we ensure the Conservatives are locked out of Number 10.

SNP MPs in Westminster will work day and night to protect our country from the damage done by Westminster.

Our record in Government speaks for itself. We have grown Scotland’s economy, doubled frontline funding for the NHS, and ensured we have the highest number of GPs per head in the UK.

We are also leading with help for the cost of living crisis through measures such as free prescriptions, free bus travel for under-22s and off-peak rail fares all day.

Of course, we could do so much more if all of the decisions affecting the people of Scotland were made here and not in Westminster.

Please make sure you are registered to vote. On July 4, vote SNP to kick the Tories out of Government and put Scotland first.