An update has been provided on plans to demolish the former Auchinleck Academy and move its sporting facilities elsewhere.

We reported back in February how East Ayrshire Council had decided to close the swimming pool and games hall at Auchinleck Leisure Centre, the only part of the former Academy remaining in use, with immediate effect over health and safety concerns.

The local authority said Auchinleck's Merlin Park would be upgraded with synthetic pitches and changing facilities, but that the leisure centre's sports facilities would not shut until those at Merlin Park were complete and open.

READ MORE: Council to move Auchinleck pitches despite concerns over Merlin Park

Concerns had been raised at the time regarding Merlin Park's suitability for synthetic pitches, due to previous flooding issues.

The move to Merlin Park would the mean that the full demolition of the former Auchinleck Academy building could go ahead.

Cumnock Chronicle: Concerns were raised over Merlin Park's suitability.Concerns were raised over Merlin Park's suitability. (Image: NQ Archive)

The council initially announced the closure of the leisure facilities at the old Academy in October 2023, with an original forecast that demolition work would begin in April of this year.

The full project, including completion of the new facilities and demolition of the old ones, is expected to be completed by March or April of 2025.

The update was provided in a report to East Ayrshire Council's cabinet.

READ MORE: Auchinleck Leisure Centre decision the result of a ‘catalogue of failures’

Andrew Kennedy, the local authority's head of facilities and property management, said in the report: "Works will be progressed in line with the development of the Merlin Park sports facilities.

"Allocations have been retained in the programme to meet the cost of the demolition, plus an additional allocation of £1.300m for the development of the Merlin Park site and associated requirements.

Cumnock Chronicle: The old school is set to be demolished.The old school is set to be demolished. (Image: NQ Archive)

"A project team has been established and project scope and designs are anticipated by July 2024 with the project is targeted to be completed by March/April 2025."