More than 100 East Ayrshire jobs could be lost in plans to outsource council services, a trade union has claimed.

UNISON has urged councillors in the area to reject proposals to outsource a range of community services to the East Ayrshire Leisure Trust.

The union claims that the proposals - which have yet to go before East Ayrshire councillors - could mean £1.8 million of cuts.

East Ayrshire Leisure already deals with a range of services in the area, including libraries, museums, visitor attractions, activity centres and event spaces such as Cumnock Town Hall.

The union has sent a letter to all East Ayrshire councillors protesting at the plans, which it claims will be considered by councillors at a meeting on June 18.

UNISON's letter claims that East Ayrshire Council (EAC) is proposing to transfer music tuition, events, funding advice, youth empowerment, health and wellbeing, literacies and learning, play and parental bonding, sport and physical activity, community empowerment, befriending and volunteering, and corporate catering services to East Ayrshire Leisure.

READ MORE: Wellbeing event for adults coming to Cumnock sports hub

Simon Macfarlane, UNISON Scotland regional manager, said: “If the outsourcing of these services is agreed the council will have a fight on their hands.

"These proposals are detrimental to young and vulnerable people; will mean huge cuts if the trust doesn’t achieve ambitious profits from a standing start; and will put over 100 jobs at risk.

"Councillors will also be giving up democratic control over how their services are delivered."

Mr Macfarlane added: “The council’s own innovative community engagement and support services, Vibrant Communities, were congratulated last year on their 10th anniversary; for their caring, kind, and connected approach.

"It doesn’t make sense to transfer these celebrated council services to a trust.” 

“Unions have not been properly consulted. We still don’t have a written proposal we can share with our members.

"Councillors should reject these proposals and ask officers to get back round the table and work with us to protect vital services and secure jobs.”

East Ayrshire Council has said that any proposals will be put to councillors in the future.

A local authority spokesperson said: "Officers are working on a number of cross-cutting reviews, which will be presented to elected members in due course.

"The purpose of these reviews is to ensure that the council delivers sustainable high quality services within the resources available."