The three confirmed Kilmarnock and Loudoun candidates for the upcoming General Election in July say they are looking forward to the contest. 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced last week that the country would head to the polls on July 4. 

Three candidates have been confirmed so far to contest the Kilmarnock and Loudoun constituency, which stretches from Kilmarnock in the west to Auchinleck and Mauchline in the east. 

The SNP's Alan Brown will again try to retain the seat he won in 2015, and will face competition from Scottish Labour's Lillian Jones and from Jordan Cowie for the Scottish Conservatives.

Alan said: “I look forward to contesting my fourth election as the SNP candidate for Kilmarnock and Loudoun. Serving the constituency I have spent my entire life in has been the privilege of my life, and I hope to be re-elected.

"Since being elected, my office has dealt with over 20,000 constituent cases, and I have spoken in Westminster on more than 1,200 occasions. I have never taken any vote for granted, and this election will be no different.

“My team of volunteers and I will be out campaigning and we are relishing the opportunity to speak with as many of you as possible. Your support means everything, and we are determined to make sure every voice in Kilmarnock and Loudoun is heard."

Lillian admits that she is looking to get out on the streets and show voters that her priorities are aligned with theirs. 

She explained: "I am proud to be the Scottish Labour candidate for Kilmarnock and Loudoun for the General Election on July 4.  

"This is the most important election in a generation for the people of Scotland who have the opportunity to reject the politics of division, despair and decline and vote for the change our communities desperately need.

"We have been speaking with thousands of voters across Kilmarnock and Loudoun finding out about their priorities and that is why a vote for Scottish Labour will cut your energy bills, tackle NHS waiting lists, create jobs and deliver a new deal for workers. Let’s send a Labour government back to Westminster!”

Jordan Cowie of the Scottish Conservatives says the choice in the upcoming election is a clear one. 

He said: "This is a great opportunity for Kilmarnock and Loudoun to send the SNP a strong message and that enough is enough. Here in Kilmarnock and Loudoun, the choice is clear; it’s either me or the SNP.

"The SNP have held our community back, neglecting our towns, local services, schools and transport system. Too focused on another divisive independence referendum.

"I am committed to focusing on Kilmarnock and Loudoun’s future and priorities. Back me to deliver for you.”