A Catrine man has come out on top in his battle to overturn what he felt was an unfair parking fine.

Paul Cobb was handed a fine for allegedly not parking correctly within a marked space at Mauchline's Loudoun Street car park.

He appealed the fine, claiming that there was unsuitable signage.

READ MORE: Catrine man blasts parking fine appeal process

Whilst appealing the fine, Mr Cobb said he encountered a number of issues with the appeals process, including a character limit and insufficient options for the type of appeal.

Having contacted Ayrshire Roads Alliance (ARA), which deals with roads issues on behalf of East Ayrshire Council, directly, Mr Cobb was recently told that his appeal for his £100 fine had been successful.

In an email to Mr Cobb, ARA said it had uncovered issues with road markings and locations of signage at the car park.

A conclusion was drawn to cancel Mr Cobb's fine, and a renewal of road markings, as well as a review of signage would be carried out.

Mr Cobb raised concerns about whether anybody else had encountered similar issues to him, relating to the car park or the subsequent appeals process.

Cumnock Chronicle: Signs displayed at the Mauchline car park.Signs displayed at the Mauchline car park. (Image: NQ Archive)

However, ARA say there is no indication that anyone else has had these difficulties.

An Ayrshire Roads Alliance spokesperson said: "As a result of the review process undertaken when considering Mr Cobb’s complaint, we agreed to issue instructions for the renewal of road markings within the car park.

"Until such time that the markings have been renewed, we can confirm that we have instructed the Parking Attendants to refrain from issuing any further penalty charge notices at that location.

"Whilst we are satisfied that there is adequate signage within the car park to indicate the conditions of use, we have also agreed to install additional signage to further reinforce the fact that vehicles should not park within the car park access road opposite the disabled parking bays.

"We are not aware of anyone else having encountered the same issues as Mr Cobb either in relation to the online appeals system or the rules which apply within the car park."