An Ayrshire MSP has called for immediate action over "safety issues" on the A76.

South Scotland Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP, Sharon Dowey, was speaking following the tragic incidents earlier this week which saw two men lose their lives in separate incidents on the A76 within hours.

Police named Tony Currie as the 34-year-old motorcyclist who died following a crash between Mauchline and Kilmarnock at around 7pm on Monday, May 20.

READ MORE: MSP calls for improvements on A76 after two tragic deaths in one night

A few hours later, at around 10.15pm, a 43-year-old man died at the scene of a one-car crash between Mauchline and Auchinleck.

MSP Sharon Dowey has been calling on road investment for a number of years, and believes this week's incidents only enhance the need for improvements.

Passing on her condolences, Ms Dowey said: “My thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones in these tragic incidents on the A76.

“While investigations remain ongoing, it once again highlights the major safety issues for motorists on this critical route.

“All too often Ayrshire’s roads – including the A76 – have been overlooked for much needed investment from the SNP Government to improve safety and make the road fit for purpose.

“It should not take more lives sadly being lost for this to occur, but ministers must act now or more lives will be put at risk.”

Cumnock Chronicle: MSP Sharon Dowey is calling for improvements.MSP Sharon Dowey is calling for improvements. (Image: NQ Archive)

A Transport Scotland spokesperson said: “Our deepest sympathies are with the families and friends of those involved in these tragic incidents. 

"As police investigations are ongoing it would be inappropriate to comment in detail at this early stage.

"However, as part of standard policy, we will meet with Police Scotland and the road Operating Company, Amey, to obtain more detailed information on this accident, to ensure that if there are any actions, then they are taken forward."