Plans have been approved to transform a former hair salon in Auchinleck.

A retrospective change of use application on the East Ayrshire Council website was given the green light last week.

This will give the go-ahead to open the Main Street store as a hot food takeaway, despite some objections being lodged.

READ MORE: New hot food takeaway planned for former Auchinleck bookies

A retrospective application was submitted to the local planning authority by JKM Consultancy on behalf of Robert Leitch as the "client was unaware he needed permissions", according to the application.

The shop is now set to open up as Boss Kitchen, with a sit-in and takeaway options of hot and cold food.

Despite a new business due to open in the village, some do not agree with plans.

One person said: "Auchinleck Main Street is already over populated with traffic and has little or no room for more."

A neighbour living above the planned eatery has voiced their concerns about safety aspects of the proposals.

Cumnock Chronicle: Proposals for the interior of the building.Proposals for the interior of the building. (Image: East Ayrshire Council)

They said: "Living above the property with an 80-year-old sedentary parent, this [fire safety] is a huge concern. Should fire break out downstairs, how do I get her out in time?

"At present, the main street is very busy with cars parking across from the entrance to my house and at times getting out of my property is daunting as it's difficult to see traffic coming if cars are parked at my side of the road.

"I am also concerned that all this has been done retrospectively.

"The letter that should have been out to the neighbours within 20 meters of the building on the 20th of March 2024. [The letter] still hasn't arrived, putting people who cannot access the internet at a disadvantage."

The building has served as a hair dressers for over a decade, before spending a short time as a dessert shop during the pandemic, and then changing back to a hair salon.

You can view the full plans on the East Ayrshire Council website, by searching for application 24/0070/PP.