This week, we take a look back at the big stories and photos from the Chronicle in May 2014.

Who can you spot in these pics from 10 years ago?

Cumnock Chronicle: Tryst

The first Cumnock Tryst Festival was set to be held in 2014. And the man behind the event, composer James McMillan, who grew up in the town, paid a visit to Greenmill Primary in May that year. He was preparing P7 pupils for a concert at the Houses of Parliament to promote the big event.

Cumnock Chronicle: Artist

Artist Frank Carty painted an amazing mural on a wall of the Co-operative Food store in Auchinleck in May 2014. Frank was commissioned to produce the artwork, featuring portraits and scenes relevant to local life, by the Auchinleck Tenants’ and Residents’ Association. Frank, above right, is pictured with colleague Stuart Robertson of Artisan Artworks.

Cumnock Chronicle: Engineer

Engineering apprentice Christopher Leitch, 20, from Logan, was part of a team from Ayrshire College who won the Young Innovators Challenge 2014.  Christopher attended the college on day release from his job at Prestwick Aircraft Maintenance Ltd.

Cumnock Chronicle: Show

The Catrine show was a huge success in May 2014. Champion of champions Mungo Bryson is pictured receiving his trophy from Jillian Wyllie.

Cumnock Chronicle: Ocean

Cumnock schoolgirl Chloe Dickson was selected to take part in the Ocean Youth Trust’s latest voyage, where she would train as a bosun. The Cumnock, Loudoun and Kilmarnock Rotary clubs each donated £100 to help fund her mission.

Cumnock Chronicle: A full sized replica of a WW1 tank was heading to Mauchline Holy Fair in 2014

A full sized replica of a World War One tank was set to be one of the main attractions at the 2014 Mauchline Holy Fair. Several Burns Club members, led by Andrew Bell and Drew Baird, reconstructed the full scale tank in a shed lent by Robert Mills of local firm, Timbermills.