East Ayrshire Council is set to introduce a new cycling scheme which will feature an exciting web platform and app to encourage new cyclists and support existing ones.

The scheme will be delivered in partnership with Love to Ride UK, an organisation which provides an online programme which is available to individuals, communities and workplaces.

The council aims to launch two seasonal campaigns; Winter Wheelers in January 2024 and a spring campaign in March 2024.

Participants can join a workplace or group, log their rides, receive targeted advice to help overcome barriers, view leaderboards, set goals, win prizes and more.

Councillor Jim McMahon, cabinet spokesperson for housing, transport and communities, believes the scheme will encourage more people to get out on the road.

He said: “This is an exciting initiative which will hopefully encourage people to adopt healthier and more sustainable modes of transport while enjoying various challenges and incentives.  

“The scheme also supports the council’s Climate Change Strategy and will help with our goal of reducing carbon emissions through the promotion of active travel.

"I hope that existing cyclists in our communities will enjoy getting involved and that it will encourage new cyclists to get out and about on their bikes across East Ayrshire.”