A Cumnock charity hero has been recognised for his outstanding contribution to his community and wider society.

Lochlan Murdoch, 14, was presented with the BCyA Medal of Honour at the British Citizen Youth Awards at the Palace of Westminster this month.

Lochlan has raised £10,500 for JDRF, an organisation which funds type 1 diabetes research, and The Kris Boyd Charity, a Scottish charity that focuses on keeping people actively healthy in both body and mind. 

The Cumnock teenager has lived with type 1 diabetes since the age of four.

READ MORE: Lochlan's Legacy's charity work to support Type 1 Diabetes

In 2018, he suffered a severe leg break whilst playing football, affecting both his mobility and mental health.

To raise awareness of type1 diabetes and mental health Lochlan challenged himself to walk 28 miles in four days around all the Premiership football stadiums in Scotland, Hampden and Townhead Park, dubbed ‘Lochlan's Stadium Marathon’.

He created ‘Lochlan's Legacy’ with help from loyal mum Lesley and team, to raise awareness, reduce stigma, breakdown barriers and build a community.

In 2020, when Lochlan was 11, ‘Lochlan's Legacy’ achieved official charity status. 

He has since developed a CPD accredited course for all football coaches in Scotland on ‘Basic Awareness and Understanding of Type 1 Diabetes’ and is delivering this throughout Scotland.

Lochlan is also chair of the T1D and Me-Giving Youth A Voice project for young people, iWill Ambassador and is a community volunteer for young footballers. 

Cumnock Chronicle: Lochlan with his invitation.Lochlan with his invitation. (Image: Lochlan's Legacy.)

With the backing of professional athletes, actors, influencers and football clubs, Lochlan continues to raise awareness and understanding of type 1 diabetes, creating a legacy for those living with the condition.

Dame Mary Perkins, Patron of the BCA said: “The British Citizen Youth Award recipients are very special individuals.

"These young people all go above and beyond for others with selfless acts of kindness and community spirit with no thought or expectation of praise or reward.

"This Medal ceremony is a great opportunity to shine a light on what they do and give them the recognition they so thoroughly deserve. They are the nation's true unsung heroes and the rising stars of the future.”