New electric vehicle (EV) chargers could soon be added to an Auchinleck petrol station, if plans are approved.

The owners of the Jet service station on Main Street have submitted plans to East Ayrshire Council (EAC) to install eight EV charge points, as well as new jetwash bays.

Plans would see the former workshop attached to the retail shop demolished.

It would be replaced with the current washing machines that are placed elsewhere, as well as being an access point to the new EV chargers.

The chargers would be located to the rear of the retail shop, along with the two new proposed wash bays.

READ MORE: Auchinleck petrol station gets green light to raise the roof 

The air and water machines, as well as the vacuum, would be relocated alongside the fencing closest to the nearby woodlands - where they have been placed in the past.

Amazon lockers currently placed at the front of the vacant workshop would be moved to the opposite side of the shop.

These plans are alongside an approved bid to have the height of the forecourt canopy increased, to stop HGVs regularly hitting and damaging the existing structure.

EAC officials approved the application - but dismissed an attempt by the Ayrshire Roads Alliance (ARA) to add a condition to the plans which would have banned HGVs from reversing out of the station.

However, Ayrshire Roads Alliance currently objects to the new plans, again citing issues with HGVs reversing out of the forecourt onto the Main Street.

A response said: "All traffic should use the one way in and one way out system.

"The planning statement should now include a section to this effect.

"All traffic should exit the garage in a forward moving gear."

An evironmental health statement added that, if approved, noisy work on the site during construction should be restricted to 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 8am – 1pm on a Saturday, and no noisy work on a Sunday.