AN AYRSHIRE man who invited a girl aged under 16 into his bed – after asking his partner whether seeing him sitting next to the teenager made her jealous – has been added to the sex offenders register for a year. 

Kevin Easterbrook made creepy sexual comments to the girl – who was aged between 13 and 15 – after letting her into his Drongan home. 

The 55-year-old was spared jail for the offence when he appeared for sentencing at Ayr Sheriff Court – but told he must accept support and guidance provided to him under a community-based sentence.

Easterbrook pleaded guilty to repeatedly directing comments of a sexual nature towards the girl to obtain sexual gratification or to humiliate, distress or alarm the victim.

A previous court hearing was told the girl had entered Easterbrook’s property in the early hours of February 25.  

After Easterbrook’s seedy comments, the girl left the room to phone a friend, before making her excuses and leaving.  

The procurator fiscal depute told the June 28 hearing: “At 1.30am he and his partner were drinking alcohol. The witness arrived through an unsecured front door. 

“He said she could wait in the property with him and his partner.

“A short time later they were in the kitchen alone – his partner was restricted to the couch.”  

Easterbrook then made a comment towards the girl about his sexual activity.  

The fiscal depute continued: “She did not know how to respond, but felt frightened and felt that it was inappropriate. 

“She returned to the living room and sat down. The accused came in and sat next to her.  

“He asked his partner if sitting next to her made her ‘jealous’.  

“He proceeded to tell the witness she could stay over and sleep in bed with him. 

“She became more concerned and asked to use the toilet. She telephoned a friend and made excuses to leave. 

“A friend found her nearby and saw she was distressed.”  

The friend, an older woman, went back to Easterbrook’s home with the girl and challenged the accused, recording the conversation on her phone.  

“At one point,” the fiscal depute continued, “the accused stated it ‘wasn’t acceptable’.”  

The woman left the property with the victim and then called police.  

Easterbrook was eventually traced by police on March 7 and taken to Ayr police office, where he was cautioned and charged and gave a ‘no comment’ interview.  

Easterbrook was placed on the sex offenders register while sentence was deferred for background reports. 

When he returned to court last week, defence solicitor Steven Maxwell told Sheriff Desmond Leslie: "He was placed on the sex offenders register and on conclusion of these proceedings will be placed on the register for some time.

"I think it's fair to say he is aware of the seriousness of matters. I would ask your Lordship to step back from custody and impose a further order.

“He has made clear he would react positively to that.

"It is fair to say that on waking up he realised he had blighted his life."

Sheriff Leslie told Easterbrook: “I'm not intending to send you to jail for this so you need not worry.

"You will be under supervision for a period of 12 months and take support and guidance which will have particular reference for this offence. 

"You will be subject to the notification requirements of the Sexual Offences Act for same period."