A Drongan woman has told of her terror after she and her partner were forced to flee their home by an angry mob after being wrongly accused of being a paedophile.

Heather Fenwick said they were confronted by around 75 people outside their Lane Cescent property a few weeks ago.

And they are still too scared to return to their house.

She told the Chronicle this week: "They were threatening to burn me out of my home after I was mistakenly identified as being a paedophile.

"This all started from a vigilante group in the village."

Cumnock Chronicle: One of the Facebook messagesOne of the Facebook messages (Image: Contributed)

Police Scotland have confirmed they attended the scene and got the mob to disperse.

There have been claims that others in the town were also targeted on the same day.

It is believed the organisers of the anti-paedophile group posted the address on a town Facebook group. The posts have since been removed.

Heather believes the whole incident kicked off after she tried to identify a youth who she claims had damaged her car.

She said: "Recently someone damaged my shed and I put a camera up to keep an eye on the building. It pinged to say there was someone in my drive.

"I looked out the window and saw three boys on bikes. There were scratches on my car.

"I put up a photo and asked if anyone knew this child. Then it all kicked off.

Cumnock Chronicle: One of the Facebook messages

"Someone posted that they were coming to Lane Crescent and sent a photo with a flame and a match and said the place is getting burned tonight."

She added: "I believe six people were targeted some in Watson Terrace, others near the school. When officers arrived they disappeared and went somewhere else.

"This is a case of mistaken identity and I have absolutely nothing to hide."

"I don't wan't to return to the house now. How can I go back when there were 70 people on the street calling me a paedo?"

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “We were made aware of a crowd gathered in the Lane Crescent area of Drongan shortly after 8.40am on Monday, July 24.

“Officers attended and engaged with the group who later dispersed.”

Local MP Allan Brown contacted police after Heather alerted him to the incident. 

Cumnock Chronicle: One of the Facebook messages

He later sent her the following response from a senior officer.

They said: "We have already and continue to engage with the ‘organisers’ of this group in order to safeguard residents in the community. Advice has already been provided that they do not fit the profile as the group outline.

"A further meeting is sought involving the group, the Sex Offender Policing Unit, Police Liaison Officers, Local Authority and MAPPA staff (Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements) amongst others.

"The purpose of the meeting is to dispel myths, explain public protection arrangements, housing etc and create a way forward which does not involve these type of incidents."