Netherthird Community Centre is set to benefit from a cash injection thanks to the Scottish Land Fund.

The centre offers a wide range of social activities and wellbeing services, with the funds working towards more of the same for the future.

Netherthird Initiative for Community Empowerment (NICE) has received £111,268, allowing it to proceed with plans to take ownership of the building from which it operates.

The NICE team have worked tirelessly over the past few years top help the community.

A new mental health support suite was opened at the centre last year to help youngsters in the area struggling with their mental health.

READ MORE: Netherthird's mental health support centre is officially opened

 A total of £1,972,701 has been awarded to projects across the country by the Scottish Land Fund in their latest round of awards.

Grateful for this support, David Perriman, Treasurer, Netherthird Community Trust, said: “This funding from the Scottish Land Fund will enable us to purchase the community centre that we have been running with a high degree of success for the past seven years.

"It will be a great asset to the local community who will now have ownership of it."

Cara Gillespie, Scottish Land Fund Committee Chair added: “Every one of these grants allows for the provision of assets and services that individual groups have identified as being essential to their areas. 

"This localised approach helps to strengthen both urban and rural communities.”